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In this rapidly changing world, Perth Dizziness and Balance Clinic continues to follow all available updates from the Australian Department of Health and the World Health Organisation (WHO) in relation to the current Pandemic. We are using this information to guide our decision making to maximise patient and staff safety:

•    Staff and patients are asked to stay at home if they have any symptoms of cold or flu, and patients are of course to asked to postpone their appointment if they are in self-isolation due to travel or contact with a known COVID-19 case.

•    Staff have been trained in hospital-standard infection control practices, and have recently been certified as having undergone specific COVID-19 infection control training. We employ every aspect of this training with every consultation.

•    Hand sanitiser is available for staff and patients both in our reception area and in the treatment rooms.

•    We are encouraging the use of card payments wherever possible to limit the handling of cash for both our patients and staff.

•    We have increased the frequency of cleaning for high touch points in common areas, such as door handles, treatment tables, point of sale equipment and countertops. Treatment tables, chairs and all equipment is thoroughly cleaned after every consultation.

•    We have increased the spacing between our bookings to allow for extra cleaning, and to avoid having more than one person in our reception area at once.


Telehealth involves a one to one video conference consultation with your physiotherapist. Get effective online physio treatment at home at a time of physical distancing and isolation.


(08) 6468 4141   |   Ground Floor Suite 101, 271 Selby Street, Churchlands, Western Australia 6018

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