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  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

  • Vestibular Neuritis and Labyrinthitis

  • Post-traumatic Vertigo and Vestibular Concussion

  • Bilateral Vestibular loss such as due to ototoxicity

  • Meniere’s Disease, Vestibular Migraine, Acoustic Neuroma

  • Dizziness and imbalance following ENT surgery, stroke, head injury, neurosurgery, multiple sclerosis and degenerative conditions

  • Chronic Subjective Dizziness

  • Mal de Debarquement Syndrome  

  • Falls and ​General Balance Decline


​Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
A spinning sensation caused by debris floating within the inner ear. This is the most common cause of vertigo. Characterised by short spells of dizziness when lying down, rolling over, looking up or bending over.  Our specialised infra-red video goggles provide for expert and accurate clinical assessment of BPPV ensuring the correct treatment manoeuvres are chosen.  Our expert clinicians will help diagnose your problem, and offer you specialised treatment, this ensures a fast resolution of your symptoms. 

Vestibular Neuritis and Labyrinthitis
A ‘one-off’ illness caused by viral infection of the balance nerve or of the whole inner ear, or an interruption of the blood supply to the inner ear. Characterised by severe dizziness and nausea for 2-5 days, followed by gradual recovery.  Early treatment of vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis with an expert vestibular rehabilitation and balance  program facilitates a faster and more complete recovery.

Post-traumatic Vertigo and Vestibular Concussion
Vertigo, dizziness and/or imbalance resulting from trauma (motor vehicle accident, fall, assault, contact sports injury).

Bilateral Vestibular loss such as due to ototoxicity
Exposure to drugs that damage the inner ear or the balance nerve (ototoxic drugs) can lead to loss of balance and visual difficulties.  Bilateral vestibular loss requires an individual rehabilitation program with special attention to improving balance and the contribution of the visual and proprioceptive systems.

Meniere’s Disease
A fluctuating disorder that involves a build up of fluid in the inner ear. Tends to cause repeated attacks of vertigo which can last hours.  Perth Dizziness and Balance Clinic provides detailed assessment of function, education in symptom management, and rehabilitation of motion sensitivity and balance.

Vestibular Migraine
Approx 40% of migraine patients have accompanying symptoms of vestibular dysfunction (dizziness, imbalance, visual disturbances).  Vestibular rehabilitation will reduced the sense of motion sensitivity and nausea and improve your balance and ability to participate in exercise and activities. 

Acoustic Neuroma
A benign tumour that grows on the balance nerve.

Dizziness and imbalance following ENT surgery
For example surgery to remove an acoustic neuroma, or following cochlear implantation.

Chronic Subjective Dizziness
A variety of symptoms including dizziness, imbalance and visual vertigo, commonly with a strong anxiety component. Tends to respond well to vestibular rehabilitation therapy.

Mal de Debarquement Syndrome
The illusion of movement, associated with dizziness and imbalance, that often begins after a period of travel (by sea, car, train or plane).

Central nervous system disorders of vertigo and imbalance following stroke, head injury, neurosurgery, multiple sclerosis and degenerative conditions
Following stroke, head injury, neurosurgery, multiple sclerosis and degenerative conditions. 
Falls and Risk of Falls

There are many different factors that can increase a persons falls risk including; an unsafe home environment, unsafe footwear, muscle weakness, lack of flexibility, slow reaction time, reduced vision,  and other medical conditions.  These factors can be assessed and improved to significantly reduce the risk of falling.

General Balance Decline
The process of ageing and some medical conditions results in a loss of balance function and an increased risk of falls.  An individualised exercise program can help you to improve your balance and overall health. 



(08) 6468 4141   |   Ground Floor Suite 101, 271 Selby Street, Churchlands, Western Australia 6018

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